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Scholarship Opportunity List

Download a copy of the yearly Scholarships Opportunity list!

High School Relations

Milwaukee Area Technical College offers an exciting way to begin your college education by taking career and technical courses while still in high school.

AKA Sorority Foundation Offers ARTS Scholarship

MILWAUKEE, WI. Graduating high school seniors who are entering college with a 3.0 average and are interested in applying for an ARTS scholarship may apply for a $1000 scholarship administered by the Pauline Redmond Coggs Foundation, Inc., Epsilon Kappa Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.

Pre college fair information


Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was founded at Howard University in Washington, D.C., January 9, 1914, by three young African-American male students. The fraternity exemplifies the high ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service.
Eligibility Criteria:
For consideration, complete and submit the following supporting documents:
* Completed and signed application
*  Typed personal statement (2-page maximum)
*  Copy of official high school transcripts with school stamp/letterhead
* Two (2) letters of recommendation; one letter from a high school teacher or guidance counselor and one letter from a community leader or member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
* Copy of acceptance letter from college or university
Please mail completed application and supporting documents to:
Scholarship Committee Chair
c/o Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. – Delta Xi Sigma
PO Box 510165
Milwaukee, WI 53203
faxed applications will not be accepted. Any missing, incomplete, unorganized, non-typed (excluding the application) or unsigned documents will automatically disqualify the application for consideration. For additional information or general questions, please contact PHI BETA SIGMA FRATERNITY, INCORPORATED
As a non-profit organization committed to encouraging academic excellence, the Delta
Xi Sigma Education Foundation of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. is pleased to recognize two (2) graduating male seniors with $500 scholarships who not only exhibit scholarly traits, but are also actively engaged in community service and beyond.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Upsilon Mu Omega Chapter The Diamond Jubilee Pearls Foundation, Incorporated HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS

The Diamond Jubilee Pearls Foundation, Incorporated of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Incorporated – Upsilon Mu Omega Chapter was established in 1999. Its primary goal is to
support educational achievement through scholarships, grants and stipends. Since its
inception, the Foundation has awarded over $80,000 to students of all ages. The Foundation is
now accepting applications for its 2019-2020 scholarship program. The scholarships described
below provide financial assistance to graduating, high school seniors planning to attend an
accredited college, university, or trade school as a full or part-time student. A student may
apply for both of the scholarships listed below, but will only receive one scholarship, if
awarded. Each scholarship will be a minimum of $1,000 dollars.

Sigma Legacy Scholarship

Gamma Pi Sigma Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. continues to celebrate over 50 years of service in the Greater Milwaukee Metropolitan area. This chapter continues its commitment and dedication of our sisterhood to be a beacon of light to the communities of which we live, work and worship. Gamma Pi Sigma Alumnae Chapter has been providing scholarships to deserving high school seniors for over 25 years.

Lee Holloway Technology Scholarships for Minority students

The Lee Holloway Scholarships for Students of Color has been made possible by the Milwaukee County Research Park Corporation. The scholarships will be awarded each year to two juniors in a technology field and will continue through their senior year, provided they meet program criteria.  Each student will receive $5,000 a year ($2,500 each semester).

Undergraduate Scholarships

The Diamond Jubilee Pearls Foundation, Incorporated of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,
Incorporated – Upsilon Mu Omega Chapter was established in 1999. Its primary goal is to
support educational achievement through scholarships, grants and stipends. Since its inception,
the Foundation has awarded over $80,000 to students of all ages. The Foundation is now
accepting applications for its 2019-2020 scholarship program. The scholarships described below
provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who are currently enrolled in an
accredited college, university or trade school. A student may apply for both of the scholarships
listed below, but will only receive one scholarship, if awarded. Each scholarship will be a
minimum of $1,000 dollars.

ACH Prep Test

Click the link for information on the ACH Prep Test

Thurgood Marshall Fund

TMCF offers four types of unique scholarships that are merit, plus need-based designed to address the financial needs of students attending TMCF member-schools. The awards process is highly competitive and the awards are given to outstanding and qualified students who plan to earn a baccalaureate, graduate or law degree from an accredited college or university

Wisconsin Educational Opportunity Program TIP Grant

Student must be accepted to a Wisconsin university, technical college, private independent college or university, or a tribal college; be a first-time college student; complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); and meet the financial need criteria and nontraditional/ disadvantaged criteria.

Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Scholarship

Scholarships cover all or partial costs toward tuition, fees and books for Wisconsin residents who left a court-ordered out-of-home care placement upon turning age 18 or when they graduated from high school or they entered into a court-ordered guardianship or were adopted after their 16th birthday from an out-of-home care placement.

TIP Grant

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction



Truman D. Picard Scholarship Announcement For Native American/Alaskan Natural Resource Students

Friday, March 15, 2019, 5:00 p.m. PST
$2,500 for college students (number of awards varies per year)
$2,500 for grad students and graduating college seniors that are applying/accepted for grad school
$2,000 for graduating senior high school students
The Truman D. Picard Scholarship Program is dedicated to the support of Native American students pursuing a higher education in Natural Resources.


Scholarship Awards Available from AAUW

Young Women in Public Affairs Award

Young Women in Public Affairs Award A Zonta International Program with Local, District and International AwardsGeneral Information The goal of the Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award Program is to encourage young women to participate in public affairs by recognizing a commitment to the volunteer sector, evidence of volunteer leadership achievements and a dedication to empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.

UNCF College Readiness Conference

Please see the attached flyer for more information

Milwaukee Public School’s Department of College and Career Readiness has partnered with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) and local partners to host their signature Empower Me Tour (EMT) in Milwaukee. EMT a free, national college readiness program that is motivating and interactive. This is an exciting opportunity for Milwaukee area seniors and families to gain acceptance into undergraduate colleges and universities, earn scholarship funds, and attend interactive workshops to inspire and encourage them through the college decision process. Students will leave the fair, informed and empowered to reach their greatest potential.

Bucky's Tuition Promise is a transformational initiative, designed to keep UW-Madison's gates wide open to promising students from Wisconsin's hard working families. UW–Madison pledges to cover four years of tuition and segregated fees for any incoming freshman from Wisconsin whose family’s annual household adjusted gross income is $56,000 or less, roughly the median family income in Wisconsin. Transfer students from Wisconsin meeting the same criteria will receive two years of tuition and segregated fees.


Michael Brown, 17, won a full scholarship for all 20 elite universities to which he applied, including, Harvard, Stanford and Yale.

  1. How to Apply to Lots of Colleges Without Spending all of Your Cash: Three Tips to Reduce the Cost of College Application Fees


Applying to college can be a costly pursuit if you do not have a plan. There are several cost saving tips that can maximize your time and your cash. Here are three tips that are guaranteed to slash the application fees.


1) Take the NACAC College Application Fee Waiver to your school counselor or administrator. You may not have to pay a dime to apply for college!


2) Many college application portals are designed to reduce the time to apply to college and may also reduce the cost as well. College application portals can also increase college acceptance and the scholarships you awarded during the admission process. On the Common Black College App you can apply to 53 HBCUs for one low cost. The Common College App has hundreds of colleges that do not have a fee to apply. This is a win-win for you and your pockets now and in the long term.


3) Attend a college fair, visit a college, or meet a college recruiter- ask that your to waiver your fee application fee. Yes, it is that simple.


Use these tips and save your coins to decorate your dorm room!!


Do you need more assistance? Email the CTK Educational Resource Ministry today to receive free coaching and advise or check out the College Board Q&A on application fee waivers.

Founded in 1944, UNCF (the United Negro College Fund) is the nation’s largest and most effective minority education organization. UNCF now administers a wide range of over 400 programs.
UNCF awards scholarships to students attending 1100 colleges or universities including, historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), UNCF member colleges and universities and other four-year or two-year institutions.

Delta Memorial Endowment Fund. Scholarships for High School Seniors. Requirements at least a 3.0 Grade Point Average. Must have at least a 3.0 grade point average. Ms. Shirley Sharp, Director, Education & Training (414) 915-1167. Email: for more information.

Click the image for more information.

General Education Development (GED) Program
No waiting!
SDC offers continuous admission and enrollment all year (space permitting).
Instructor-led classes are on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

State of Wisconsin requirements:
Provide proof that you are at least 18.5 years old or that your 9th grade class has
graduated from high school. Students 17 - 18.5 years old may only be serviced through
a school district or special program.
Provide proof that you have lived in Wisconsin for at least 10 days.
Complete an application form at the initial meeting, and pay a testing and credential fee.

Click the image for more information.

Each year more than $3 billion in private scholarship money is awarded to help students pay for college.

But that doesn’t mean winning a scholarship—especially a lucrative one—is easy. Students who do win scholarships generally apply for as many as possible, especially any award that’s targeted to recipients with a characteristic they possess.

Click the image to find out more.

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