Programs & Services
To provide assistance to high school students for continuing education at accredited institutions.
Identify resources where students can find various scholarships
Applications for Marilynn McVicker Scholarships
Applications for CTK Awards
To provide support and resources to students for
pre-entrance college testing.
Identifying the focus for math and reading strategies
Test-taking strategies (relaxation)
Application and testing process
Tutoring and small group workshops
Identifying local sites and websites for ACTs (and expansion to SATs)
Helping students to ask for special testing assistance
Career Exploration and Professional Opportunities
College to Career
To provide valuable resources, job skills, and other opportunities for professional employment experience.
To identify internships
Career exploration
Job shadowing
Professional development
Resume writing
Proper work attire
Mock interviews to Identify important terms (internship)
To provide assistance for students with linking their individual skills and interests to appropriate careers and college majors.
Help students understand the links between interests and careers
Career interest surveys
Matching careers to college majors
College Preparation Workshops
In-depth college application workshop
Interview skills
Team Access Center
Job Preparedness